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Discography: CD7

The prophety of Gods' Kingdomyears 2018-2019

This CD is my first "concept album" where I tell a story. The story is:

In distant times and forgotten places, there was people oppressed by barbarians without Gods from the far north.
According to a prophecy, a kingdom would be reborn from the ashes of the ancient and his King helped by the gods, would free the people from the domination of  barbarians. They could at last live free and in peace. In the event of failure, this people would relive the same story indefinitely.
The following is the story of the Gods' Kingdom.

  1. A NEW DAY ON KINGDOM: While the moon struggles yet to pierce the darkness that reigns over the ruins of the ancient city, no noise disturbs this heavy calm, no soul that lives either. Then appears far away, the first glimmers of the sun that already cut through the towers of the nascent kingdom. The silence isN gradually broken. Finally the sun rises on the horizon. Life can regain its rights. Already the daily hubbub is being heard. The people press his business. The anthill is now awake...
  2. THE WALL OF BLOAD AND MAIN: Not without difficulty, the kingdom is reborn from the ashes. People spare themselves neither blood nor tears to built again the walls of Kingdom .
  3. THE COME BACK OF DIVINITIES: the Kingdom takes shape, the divinities return to take possession of the place. The Nymphs are the first to appear. Then it's the turn of the high priestess. The God of Darkness, the God of War will take their place in the temple. Finally the God of life appears. The first ceremony can take place.
  4. THE CORONATION OF KING: A new King is elected. Now is the time to crown the new King who will lead the Kingdom to victory. All the hopes of the people are in him.
  5. PERIOD OF PEACE: After the rebirth of the kingdom, its construction, the return of the divinities of the kingdom, the coronation of the king, a period of peace sets in where harmony reigns. the people feast, worshiping their gods but also succumbing to drugs and other peaches.
  6. THE WRATH OF GODS: The Gods tired of seeing his people lounging and succumbing to demons, decide to summon the King in dessert. Lightning strikes on the city, the crowd is frightened, running to protect themselves. Aware of what is happening, the King rides his horse to join the Gods. Upon arrival, the Gods ignite and noisily remind The King what is his destiny and that of his people. He must drive the barbarians out of the neighboring peoples and convert them to the religion of these Gods..
  7. THE KING RAISES AN ARMY: The King raises an army and sets out to conquer the neighboring lands as the Gods asked him: hunt Barbarians; liberate peoples and convert them...
  8. THE ULTIMATE BATTLE: he King fights many battles and gradually liberates many lands. After many months of battle, the armies and the King are tired.. Then comes the last battle, the battle where the King will lose his life.
  9. THE COME BACK OF KING: Despite many years of battle, the King will not reach his goal. He was defeated and will lose his life. The army returns to the kingdom and bring back the king's remains. The King is mourned by his people and is led to his last resting place.
  10. APOCALYPSE OR REVELATION: Come the time of revelation about the end of the prophecy of the Gods' kingdom. While the people have not yet finished mourning their King, he discovers what is the horrible destiny that awaits him: The Kingdom must be destroyed because the King has failed and a new kingdom must be reborn from the ashes.
  11. REMINISCENCE: After a brief reminiscence of past trials, the souls of the King and his brave warriors ascend to heaven for a well-deserved peace.
    In the timeless mists, images appear as if to recall the reminiscence of past trials, the souls of the King and his brave warriors ascend to heaven for a well-deserved peace.



The prophety of Gods' Kingdomyears 2018-2019

  1. A NEW DAY ON KINGDOM  (3' 19")
  5. PERIOD OF PEACE (4' 50")
  6. THE WRATH OF GODS (4' 58")
  9. THE COME BACK OF KING (5' 12")
  11. REMINISCENCE (6' 28")

Some short extracts of the CD7

Already available on BANDCAMP. I will do a short extract of each piece (1' or 1" 30") in order you could appreciate them and may be buy it on BANDCAMP.....

Last edited: 04/01/2021

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