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Discography: CD8

Cd8 challenges 1

This CD is the compilation of all my proposals during my participation in various challenges where we had to offer music inspired by an imposed image.

For this time I put extracts of each piece but at a very low mp3 definition 56 Bps. If you like it, you can buy them on BANDCAMP.


Saison6 reduite

IRISH SUMMER 69's  Click here to listen to.

This takes place during the year1969 in Ireland. During this year the children try to continue playing.


DARK VALLEY  Click here to listen to.

No picture in this case. It was another challenge. You had to compose a piece where using tremolo or vibrato on guitare.

Lights dance floor


LIGHTS DANCE FLOOR:  Click here to listen to.

I saw in this picture a man who could dance on a dance floor of lights. According to 2 people on A05n with hindsight. It's the same intro, the same melody, the same construction but in a totally different style. It's more in the Alan Parson style at the end of 70 'but with an additional guitar solo


Cathedrale de lumiere

CATHEDRALE OF HEAVENLY LIGHTS:  Click here to listen to.

For those who have listened to "light dance floor", here is another version that I had prepared still corresponding to the same image but taken from further away. It's the same intro, the same melody, the same construction but in a totally different style. It's more in the Alan Parson style at the end of 70 'but with an additional guitar solo.


Un metro nomme bonheur


A SUBWAY CALLED HAPINESSClick here to listen to.


I saw a man alone, in a tunnel, lost in thought, watching on his left for something to come. Then the "something" enters the tunnel, moves slowly, approaches; it is the subway called happiness. He slows down but doesn't stop. You have to run next to him to try to grab a handle, a bar, a hand ?! hang on, hold on, above all do not let go if you want to get out of the tunnel and discover happiness

Brain storm attack

BRAIN STORM ATTACK:  Click here to listen to.

I saw in this picture, a man attacked by some sort of tornado of I don't know what. I imagined it could be a brain storm attack. Panicked, he struggles, runs away, runs on the wooden pontoon. He is attacked again, escapes again and reaches the end of the pontoon where calm returns and the sea appears to him.

The sanctuary of iron horses

THE SANCTUARY OF IRON HORSES: Click here to listen to

Here I saw a train cemetery and it made me think of the African elephants who when they feel they are going to die, go to join their ancestors in their sanctuary. In addition, the trains were called by the Indians, iron horses hence the title.

Saison 14 still alive reduite

STILL ALIVE:  Click here to listen to.

I saw in this picture a person emerging from the past. A ghost ? May be. In any case, it still seems very present, hence the title "still alive".

Saison 15

WINDOWS ON CHILDHOOD: Click here to listen to.

3 windows, 3 different worlds. So it starts off as a nursery rhyme and ....

Saison 16

CHICAGO 1930's:  Click here to listen to.

I treated the subject like music for a scene of a film from which the image would be extracted. It takes place in the 1930s in Chicago. A man approaches by car, stops, gets out, goes to the place of his contract, executes his contract, comes back running, starts and runs away. Later the police chase him, exchange of gunshots and fatal outcome, the accident. I am telling you the scene but I hope you will hear it all for yourself. I had a lot of fun building the sound effects, interesting this image.


PHONE CALL TO FUTURE:  Click here to listen to.

I imagined that an operator was trying to make a phone call to the future. It starts in 1930 with a swing then it moves towards the future with a symphonic rock from the 60s, then we move forward, etc ... until the communication is cut.

Banquise saison 21


A NEW DAY ON THE ICI FLOE:  Click here to listen to.

I just imagined how a day could be on the ice floe


Last edited: 17/03/2021

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