Come and discover RhesusPlus progressive rock band

My project in progress

The Earth is dying or the interstellar Arch's epic journeyyears 2018-2019

This CD is my second  "concept album" where I tell a story. And for this I decided to add songs because it is easier to tell a story with words than only with music. And for the first time too, I sing... but I had help from a friend Charles ORTICONI who sings too.

So: this is the story of the end of time on Earth and the rescuing of mankind thanks to the Interstellar Renaissance Ark that must go into space in an attempt to save mankind.

In the year 2924, humanity is living its last hours on Earth. For over a thousand years man has neglected the earth. Pollution has warmed the atmosphere. The polar ice has melted, breaking the balance of the tectonic plates; Repeated earthquakes, erupting volcanoes. The oceans have cooled, the climatic balance is compromised; Hurricanes and storms have multiplied; Floods in the north, rising water erodes the continents; drought in the south, gigantic fires, burnt crops, famine. But also ; overpopulation, epidemics multiply, exodus of the peoples of the south, wars break out.

Too late, life will soon be anymore possible on Earth.

Orario 221, a spaceship pilot is at the heart of the story, tells us what he lives in this project.

For years, in the greatest of secrecy, a gigantic spaceship has been being built orbiting the Earth. It will be able to transport thousands of couples, chosen for their skills, their profession but also their ethnicity. They will have to sail in space, several generations will follow one another, in search of a planet that can accommodate them in order to save humanity.

What will they find? This is the story of: THE EARTH IS DYING or the interstellar Arch's epic journey These are the basics of the concept album. So certainly this beginning of the scenario has already been exploited but I think that the sequel is original and that the epilogue is unexpected. Humanity's salvation will come from outer space.


Cd9 the earth is dying

The Earth is dying or the interstellar Arch's epic journeyyears 2018-2019

  1. THE EARTH IS DYING (4' 10"): This is the introduction where I describe the state of the earth and the consequences for humanity
  2. THE INCREDIBLE SECRET (6' 32"): At the sight of the decline of the earth and the imminent arrival of the extinction of humanity, a foolish and incredible project was born in the minds of men. Flee, flee the earth into the cosmos.
  3. HEARTBREAKER (6' 15"): We must keep the secret, yet it is a real event. These latest departures are full of hope for humanity.
  4. THE INTERSTELLAR ARCH NAMED REBIRTH (5' 27"): This fourth piece describes the arrival to the ark, discovery of the interior, the equipment, the mission.

  5. OUR DESTINY NO LONGER BELONGS TO US (5' 44"): The space station moves away little by little and the arch picks up speed. Everything is configured, set to travel through space in search of Earth's twin sister.

  6. INTERSTELLAR TRIP (5' 47"): The title tells you that this is now happening in space. It is the departure towards the unknown.

  7. SOLAR STORM (????): in progress. A lot of time passed during which the spacecraft continued its journey to find the twin sister of the earth. Unfortunately a solar storm breaks out and the ship is in its way.


If you want to read the lyrics, please click Lyrics of the earth is dyingLyrics of the earth is dying (25.99 Ko)

Some short extracts of the CD 9

Will be available on BANDCAMP as soon I will finish this album.

Then I will do a short extract of each piece (1' or 1" 30") in order you could appreciate them and may be buy it on BANDCAMP.....

Last edited: 05/01/2021

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