Discography: CD1
IMAGINE 1 : THE CURSED TEMPLE: My first CD in years 1997-1998 remixed in 2011
- EGYPTIAN WORLD (3'50"): Evokes Egypt which has always fascinated me
- WHITE LADY (4'14"): This is the legend of a young woman madly in love of a soldier died in the terrible battle
- ENGULFED CITY (4'20"): Atlantis, myth or reality? Virginal continent or cursed city buried under water?
- THE LAST STEP 4' 00"): Traces the short period between life and death, the passage through the tunnel of time.
- THE WITCHS HUNTING (5' 00"): The story goes on the end of the middle age where the practice of witch hunting was common.
- THE EXPLORER (5' 00"): To the border between the middle age and the renaissance, the conquistadores leave to the discovery of the new world
- SCOSHIA: Short version of the end of the time which was intended to be able to receive lyrics (which never came).
- THE END OF TIMES (12' 00"):
- On a distant planet, Scoshia has the chance to be on the lighted face of this last and thus benefits from inexhaustible wealth
- Tenebra, unfortunately located on the hidden side of the planet lives in obscurity, without wealth and of course covet those of Scoshia
- The final battle is coming and will be the end of times.
- DREAM OR NIGHTMARE? (4' 50"): I titled this piece as well as several people told me it sound like Dream music ?
- THE CURSED TEMPLE: Sand all around and far away appears a pyramid. A door opens in front of you...
Some short extracts of the CD 1
Available as soon as I will put this CD on Bandcamp
Last edited: 01/01/2021
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