Come and discover RhesusPlus progressive rock band

My secrets

 My main motivation.

It is to share my compositions as widely as possible in order to give pleasure to others. Indeed, I've been cradled all my life by the music of my favorite bands. It is a great pleasure to listen to music that will transport you, make you dream and I wanted to do the same by composing my own music and sharing it widely. Admittedly, it is not easy to do this when you are an amateur without a distribution network, but I hope that the few people who listened to these, were transported and would dreamed even if it was only a few moments

My musical philosophy.

To make things clear, I consider myself more like a composer than interprets because unfortunately my level is too average to play the role of "guitar hero". Besides, I do not think that the composers of the past were able to play all the instruments of an orchestra. First they composed beautiful piano symphonies and let the real performers play them in their place.

Today also big band like Pink Floyd are interpreted by other musicians who are content to reproduce their music without being able to create new tracks (Australians Pink Floyd for example).

So there are two professions: performer and composer (not to mention Mixing / Mastering which are quite an art too). Groups that compose and interpret can occur in public. This is not my case because on the one hand I am alone to play many instruments and secondly my interpretation is far from perfect. But anyway it's not my goal. I passed age ...

That does not stop me from composing. Certainly I am limited by my lack of knowledge of music and my playing keyboard and guitar. But yesterday, it was necessary to know how to write on a score the music that one composed and to imagninate what it would give played by violins. While today, thanks to the technical means available to us, we can dedicate ourselves to the composition because it is always possible to correct a badly played sentence or re-write with the mouse a sentence (midi) too complicated. It is also possible to replay and replay a passage to retain only the right catch. That's what I do for the guitar. 

But still it is necessary to have imagination because the technical means (those which I have in any case) are only a help to concretize our ideas. Without idea, no music. And it's only here that I think I have some skills.

I compose and play the accompaniment, perform live solos, retain the best parts, rectify if necessary, all to create an original piece, pleasant to listen to. And it is not important if I will not necessarily replay it

My musical style

So now what is my musical style? Of course it is strongly inspired by the Progressive Rock of the 70s / 80s. But I made choices because the panoply of style existing in progressive rock is such that anything is possible.

As much as I can, I mix the sounds of the 70s (sometimes very personalized like the organ of Pink Floyd recognizable among all) with the classical instruments (a bit like Alan Parson), choirs, singing but also more sounds modern. For the guitar, I'm pretty soft (I like the style of David Gilmour) but sometimes I try to be a little "metal". All in a sound atmosphere created sounds, various sounds. These are all my secrets.

My inspiration

It's very variable. Of course I am strongly imbued with the music of bands that I like, like everyone else, but my inspiration can be triggered by a sound, a bass / drums rhythm, a story to tell but also by a guitar solo. 

For example, "From the depth of Abyss" was built around a guitar solo:  For this song, I played guitar with only a drum beat and recorded live on the computer. As I found interesting, I built the piece around this solo, without even touching it. I looked for an intro, a rhythm guitar + bass / drums and imagined the rest.

For "Twilight Drumsit's a special rhythm created with East West's Storm Drums 2 that was the source of my inspiration . Once the intro done, I added choirs and a story "The twilight drums". It is why the piece edds with a drum solo created with Superior drumme plug-in.

For "Dark Angel" I wanted for this piece to recreate the Pink Floyd atmosphere but keeping my own style. I first tried to reproduce the sound of the organ of Pink Floyd then the rest came alone or almost. Ditto for the guitar of the end, I looked for a sound and a touch close to David Gilmore.

For "The ultimate battle" it was necessary to tell a story (from the 7th CD, The prophecy of the Kingdom of the gods) The intention was to tell the story of a king leading his troops on the battle that will be fatal. After a short intro imagining the arrival of the troops on the ground where the battle will take place, the battle starts and during the first part the troops of the king have the upper hand. That's why we hear that guitar solo. Then reversal of situation, the troops of the King are taken in default and the enemy gradually takes the upper hand. That's why we enter the synth to answer the guitar solo. And finally the King is mortally wounded and the troops retreat taking the dying King away. 

Last edited: 02/01/2021

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